

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
Albert Einstein

Hello and welcome to my blog,

This blog was created as the Assignment #2 for the Coursera course "Learning How To Learn". 

The assignment was to demonstrate what I've learnt on the course. My initial idea was completely different to what you see here, in fact I had several ideas, and they all included making a teaching tool that would also be my souvenir from this course and hopefully conversation starter with my friends and family about what I've learnt. I am so thrilled with everything I've learnt and I want more people to know about the course, because it has bee an life-changing experience for me. 

However, something happened - the telephone interview for the job I was contacted about around the time the course had begun, had resulted with the follow up interview. Unable to choose between the two projects which demanded my time and commitment -- the course and the preparations for the interview -- I decided to give my best shot to both. 

Pretty big ask, but I felt that it was not just ideal opportunity to put in practice what I've learnt, but to demonstrate how widely applicable techniques and wisdom from the course are.

So, I switched to creating a journal describing my preparations and the result is in front of you. You can begin reading here.

Please note, all images on the blog are mine unless the link to source is provided below each image.
Minor image editing had been done using Picmonkey.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope this blog will help you you'll learn more about learning.
